A doomsday cult! Really?

By Peter Jones

The campaign of the Conservative Party to discredit the Canadian environmental movement has had its successes.   David Suzuki recently resigned from the Board of Directors of the environmental organization that bears his name. Suzuki fears that his speaking out may provoke the Government, leading to its review of the Foundation’s charitable status.  Just the threat of this review could mute the voice of the Foundation on environmental issues.

It should be some consolation to Suzuki that Margaret Wente recognized his contributions in her recent column, “The Agony of David Suzuki”.   She called him the patron saint of Canada’s environmental movement.  She itemized some of the ways in which the efforts of Suzuki (and many other environmentalists) have changed the response of governments to environmental problems.

But she also categorized his fears for the future as a “doomsday cult.”  She considers that a technological revolution is unlocking vast new reserves of fossil fuel around the world, which will produce a gusher of innovation, wealth and jobs.  Why should his concerns stand in the way of such a bonanza?

She never directly mentioned Suzuki’s most pressing issue: climate change.  Why should she?  Ms. Wente is a climate-change denier. So tactically the less said about this subject the better.

Forourgrandchildren acknowledges the leadership of David Suzuki.  We have been inspired by his thoughts, actions and integrity.  We trust that he will be around to lead the climate change battles that lie ahead.

1 thought on “A doomsday cult! Really?”

  1. It is a shameful embarassment to all Canadians that this government and their supporters have taken such measures to further their objectives. Our Grandchildren need more David Suzuki’s doing battle for them and fewer of the climate change deniers who seem intent on wielding their influence in this country.

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