Committees of 4RG


In consideration of the needs of the Corporation, to recommend to the Board regarding nominations for election or re-election by the AGM of Executive Members, and to recruit, welcome and provide orientation to new Members.

To appoint members to serve on the Standing Committees in consideration of their interests and aptitudes and to report on such appointments to the Board; to keep a record of the membership of all of the Corporation’s Committees and of the contact information of all Members, and to keep an up to date record of the terms of office of the Board’s Executive Members and Officers.

The Governance Committee is also responsible for the good Governance of the Board ensuring that the By Laws are followed and reviewed on a regular basis (e.g. every three years) to ensure that they reflect accurately the activities of the Board and its committees.


To consider possible events, presentations, and actions, to envision new initiatives, and to make recommendations accordingly to the Board. To proceed with the planning, publicizing and implementation of approved projects & initiatives.

Once the Event Planning Committee has the approval of the Board to proceed with a particular event, it is assumed that such an effort would be broadly supported by fellow Board members.


To assist the EVENT PLANNING COMMITTEE regarding the publicizing of public events and projects, and to ensure that the 4RG Website is up to date and communicated effectively. To advance 4RG’s communications with the media and social media platforms.  To forward 4RG’s relations and communications with like-minded groups and to help co-ordinate cooperative actions and partnerships as approved by the Board.  To express and convey gratitude and appreciation to all who make financial donations or provide other substantial contributions to 4RG.


To monitor Peterborough City Council Agendas in order to inform the Board of forthcoming environmental and climate change related issues and opportunities for 4RG to provide input and advice to Council and/or Staff, and to advance the City’s implementation of the Peterborough Declaration of Climate Emergency.  To forward 4RG’s communications with and initiatives to all levels of Government. This Committee may take on additional responsibilities at times of local, provincial, or national elections.

AD HOC Committees may be established by the Board for particular purposes.